Using Common Names, a mix of all-taxa species' names can be BioListed at a rate of 360/hr.

                 BioLists are Classified Biodiversity Checklists built to a standard, evolving, Linnean Taxonomy.

                                   Non-Taxonomists no longer need to endlessly DO Taxonomy.

                                                              From now on,  just USE IT.


In this series of "Sample BioLists", find links to:
-- "FERAL" - See it as a classified and expanded book INDEX, edited from a BioList;
--  LANGUAGE Names - Irish Gaelic, and New Zealand Maori, etc.;
--  PLANT Names: compare a list given in two Year-versions, current 2000 and the coming 2010 Y-v;
--  and NOTES to quickly get started. Also look into ABOUT/INNOVATIONS for more details.



--  Find the Scientific (Latin) names for species that you know by their Common names - and v.v.
--  Use Common names and don't bother about Scientific names - unless, of course, they help.

--  Find the spelling of a taxonomic name? or check that a fish name really is a type of fish?
--  What about taxonomic relationships between species?  The Classification sequence tells you.

--  Comparing two long lists of species?  Easy!  All BioLists share the same taxonomic sequence.
--  Biolists can go into reports, archives and databases - and come out  fresh, usable and updatable.


First visit?    Sign-up - once only.
Each session:    Log-in. Open a new, or existing, BioList.

To open a New BioList: From the Menu Bar click "Your BioLists";
 --  then "New BioList".  Give the new file a name;
 --  select a Year-version for it (use Y-v 2000);
 --  select any  0, 1 or 2 Languages; and
 --  add a description of the BioList.
"Save" this BioList. Find it later in "Your BioLists" from the Main Menu Bar.

This "Save" opens a page asking for a "3-letter prompt" - the leading letters of a biodiversity name.
 --  Key in 3 letters and click "Find Names --->"

Scan the menu that appears, noting that it is in taxonomic sequence; this is best seen by the ORDER Numbers.
To narrow the range of ORDERS, open the "Group Index" menu; scroll down to the Group you want.
Note also that the 3 letters you are searching on may not be in the name to the left of a multiple list of Common Names.

Select your chosen name (or "search again").
Your chosen name now appears in a classified list - the overall Classification for that name.

If you have called up a species-level name (a Latin name or a Common Name), you can now "Add to BioList".
This becomes the first Record of your BioList.

If you have selected a Genus or Family name, you will either be offered menus of choices from the database, or
you will be able to key in the Genus and/or species name(s) you want.

To key in Common Names, first accept their Record into their BioList, then "Edit" the names into the Record.
Note: Utility and Tag Names cannot be keyed into BioLists: to do so, export the BioList into your spreadsheet program.

You have just connected with the millions of names that are the keys to knowing Nature. 
Go Ecology. Go Living.

Best Wishes, and Enjoy Nature,

The Earth's biggest INDEX is here, ready! 
USE IT - Let's stop losing it!

NOTE:  The BioLists System is currently able to checklist any and all species: it is (minimally) functional as intended. 
But there are some start-up limitations:

  1. Until BioLists gets a viral following of users who will send in lists of names to add to the BioList database, it will be short on names - a few million short. Most names in the database are at species-level including Common Names. Search first for likely Common Names (in British Isles and New Zealand English for Flowering Plants, Sharks, Aquarium fishes (freshwater and marine), Frogs, water-related Birds and Whales). Secondly search for Genus (or Family) names; then key in missing names for the species you want to checklist.
  2. Taxonomy is always evolving; so changes to the Classification are frequent. BioLists has developed a means of dealing with this using Year-versions (Y-vs): the current version is Y-v 2000. An up-to-date Y-v 2010 is already useful for Plants, Sharks, and water Birds. Subsequent versions will appear as required. The use of on-going Year-versions is BioLists' way of providing taxonomic stability - this is now critical for resurrecting Linnean taxonomy.
  3. BioLists will have limited appeal for taxonomic experts within their areas of expertise. But, away from the uncertain cutting edge of taxonomic research, it will serve Ecologists and people doing environmental and related projects.

Think of Biodiversity Classification as a predictable INDEX for filing information.
It's VITAL!             Go VIRAL!I

Information about living Plants and Animals is vital for everybodys' health and well-being, every day. 
Best to be on first names terms.