Link 5:   159 PLANTS  in two YEAR-VERSIONS

- - - and see "NOTES (*5)" in this series of Links.

Both of the following BioLists contain the same 159 species names. One is a Year-version 2000 file and the other is Y-v 2010.
The full BioLists can be opened below, and can be downloaded to your spreadsheet program and edited.
But first, to see the differences between the Year-versions, look at the Table in "6. Year-versions" in the following NOTES.
Then, below, read how the two fully classified BioLists were created - in an hour.

NG-MEDIC-PLANTS-2000.csv Taxonomic Format
NG-MEDIC-PLANTS-2010.csv Ecologic Format

      Each of these files contains the same 159 species of plants. These are all of the Plants named in the following publication:
      Foster, S. and R.L. Johnson,  2006  "Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine"  N.G.Soc., Washington. 416p.
      And see: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2010 - APG-III.

     Ten of these 159 species, extracted from their BioLists, are shown in the Table in 6. Note the differences in the BDV-#s (Biodiversity ORDER Numbers) between Year-versions 2000 and Y-v 2010 for the same ten species. A change in numbers means that research has re-classified species relative to each other, mostly using new information derived from DNA analyses since about year 2000. Re-classificaiton means re-sequencing. As just one change, note that the Carrot Family (Apiaceae (= Umbelliferae)) has replaced the Grass Family (Poaceae (= Gramineae)) at the end of the Classification where the most "advanced" Families are put. This is a coded way of showing the new understanding of evolutionary relationships.

How these two BioLists were made - - - in an HOUR:

     On starting these BioLists, only some of the National Geographic's selection of 159 species were in BioLists' database. But note: Genus names for all Flowering Plants are present for both Y-v 2000 and Y-v 2010. For the purpose of this demo, the other species names needed to be available online by being present in the BioLists database. So, all 159 species were checklisted using the Year-version 2000 Classification ["current" taxonomy].

     Then the same species names were again listed in a separate  Y-v 2010 BioList  (with its APG-III, 2010, Classification).

     Making two lists is so easy and fast as to be preferable to making one and then copying and modifying it to created the second.

     The above listings were made by first searching in the BioList menus for a Common Name for each species - Easy!  But not all had Common Names in the database. So, where needed, Genus name were found and species-level details, including Common Names, were keyed in, and the record added to the BioList. Each list was completed at a rate of about 2-3 species records per minute. Total time: 1 hour for each list.

     The names that had been keyed into these BioLists were now edited into BioLists' Excel database, and the updated database put online.

     The two new BioLists (Links posted above) were made for the 159 species, but not quite as before. This time, Common Names were available from the menus for all species, so no keying is was required. These new lists were created at a rate of about 6 species records per minute - total time 30 + 30 minutes. This is the future offered for biodiversity data capture.
